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Make the Rest of the Year Count

My favorite time of year is “Back to School!” No, I am not in school and all of my children are grown.  One of them is in college and one is a school teacher, but that has nothing to do with my love of fall and back to school.  I love sharpening pencils, getting a new planner and after a summer of fun, I like the structure and schedule.  In the movie, You’ve Got Mail, Tom Hanks said it best.  “Don’t you love New York in the fall?  It makes me want to buy school supplies.  I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” Now that’s romance!  Something about it just says excitement and new beginnings, even though it is not the first of the year!

Tomorrow is the first day of October.  This is the time of year when I start telling myself that I’ll do all the good things after the first of the year.  Right now I’ll relax and enjoy the Halloween candy becoming turkey and pumpkin pie and then careening right on into Christmas joy with candy and cookies and everything else good!  My life will be a mess and chaotic anyway so I’ll just go with it!  A few years ago, I re-examined that attitude!  We have 3 months, roughly 90 days left in 2024.  That’s time to get a good jumpstart on just about anything!

What are you dreaming of improving in 2025?  Do you want to run a marathon?  Do you want to cut your sugar intake in half?  Do you finally want to clean out those junk drawers and that storage room?  Maybe you want to start a business or explore a new job.  Use the next 90 days to get a real jumpstart on any of these!  Of course I want you to enjoy all the fun holidays, but Halloween is one day, indulge on that day and then put the candy away.  Use Thanksgiving as a day to reflect on what you are really thankful for and call someone to tell them how much they mean to you. Do the same with Christmas and then get back to what you are trying to accomplish! Don’t let the momentum you’ve gained in 2024 be destroyed to the point where you are back at square when the calendar turns over a new year. 

Why not spend an hour a day for the next 90 days working on a business plan so that you can run with it in January.  Set a timer for 15 minutes a day and purge and organize during that time. Be mindful of all the sugars in your diet and make some swaps for the next 90 days.  Don’t misunderstand, I will thoroughly enjoy ALL the holidays and all the amazing things that come with those holidays!  I have already enjoyed a walk with one of my girls while I took down the best caramel apple I have ever eaten!  The treat was the time with my girl. I love to celebrate and spend time with my family,  but I will be mindful that Halloween is not all of October and I’ll save the sugar high for the 31st!

In the next 90 days, I will continue to cut sugar from my diet, except on special occasions and I will keep up my exercise routine.  How exciting will it be in January when I am already half-way to my goal!  What are you working on for the next 90 days? I would love to know so that I can cheer you on!


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