While in Columbia, SC on business recently, I met a wonderful lady. While I do not recall her name, I cannot forget her style. She was so pleasant and graceful. She was beautiful and radiant. We stood and talked only briefly, but she left such a positive impression with me. Oh, by the way, she was 97 years old. Is her age really important? Well, only as it relates to this story.
One of the coolest men I have ever met works at Western Kentucky University. I should probably say, still works at WKU. Lee will be 98 in June, and still works. Nearly every time you ask Lee how he is doing, he replies with "best day I ever had!" And when Lee says it, he says with energy and attitude. Now, I am not sure each time he says it if it truly is that good, but he sure makes you think it is. I would also predict that because he says it often, he often believes it.
So, what does all this mean? Here are two examples of wonderful people living late into their 90's. Each appear to have captured the type of positive attitude that the rest of us can learn from. Could it be a coincidence that two people in different states, one a man and the other a woman, are living healthy, happy lives for this long with great spirits and attitudes? I think not!
Certainly, each could be blessed with great genes. Yes, each could have also taken great care of their bodies physically. But, I think there is more to the why.
I predict that the positive attitude that they carry is largely responsible for their long and healthy lives. Do any of us believe they would still be here blessing us all if they had lived negative, mean spirited lives? We all know the answer, and it is no!
Today, I salute the nice lady in Columbia and my friend Lee for leading the type lives that inspire me. I thank them and many others who set the example for the rest of us. Let us all learn to be more positive. Let us all learn to be more encouraging. Let us all recognize that life is short and how we treat others is important. Perhaps, a change in our attitude can bring each of us similar longevity.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
We all have the ability to rise, but it starts with our own attitude. Go be great today! Swagger On friends!
Written by Derron Steenbergen, President of the Swagger Institute
The Swagger Institute is a business consulting company specializing in sales and leadership training, motivational speaking, customer service training and organizational development.