The cell phone is a wonderful invention. It has allowed us to be able to work from anywhere in the world. It allows us to keep up with family when we can't be with them. However, being connected all the time can be a blessing and a curse. Phones have become a necessary evil. It is easy to become "plugged in" at all times and that is not a good thing!
Everywhere we go all you see are people staring at their phones. I am in my second airport of the day with a two hour delay on my hands. As I sit here observing my surroundings, it is obvious that we are missing out on everyday beauty because of the draw of technology. We are missing a great big beautiful world! Today I ask the following of each of you-
Put it down and talk to me.
Put it down and talk to your children.
Put it down and listen to your children.
Put it down and talk to your parents.
Put it down and listen to your parents.
Put it down and have a real conversation with your peers.
Put it down and meet someone new.
Put it down and drive.
Put it down and enjoy your meal.
Put it down and see.
Put it down breathe.
Put it down and rediscover you have much to share.
Put it down and rediscover others have much to share.
Put it down and live.
If you feel that it is impossible for you, I would suggest that you download one of the tools out there that will automatically shut your phone off for a specified time. Try it for an hour a day. You pick the hour, and see if you don't learn something new, enjoy something you've long forgotten about or reconnect with something you love.
Just put it down, please!
Written by Derron Steenbergen, President of Swagger Institute
The Swagger Institute is a full service business development company offering sales and leadership training, motivational speaking and organizational consulting.