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Today, I Rise Up For Teachers!

I am not a teacher, but I am a teacher's father. I am not a teacher, but I am teacher's son. I am not a teacher, but I am a teacher's grandson. I am not a teacher, but I am a teacher's son-in-law. I am not a teacher, but I am teacher's nephew. I am not a teacher, but I am a teacher's cousin. I am not a teacher, but I am a teacher's friend. I am not a teacher, but I understand because I had a teacher. I not only had a teacher, I had many teachers.

Today, I am confused! I simply cannot get my hands around how our elected officials can talk about securing our future while at the same time penalizing the very people who are teaching it. I am proud to have attended public schools. I am proud to have had my children attend public schools. I am proud of our teachers. I understand the vital role educators play in the future of our state. I struggle to understand why this is clearly difficult for some to grasp.

I was fortunate growing up. I had teachers as parents who raised me right and held me accountable. They provided me unconditional love. I was blessed to get at home what so many never see or feel. You see, the parents who provided this to me were also providing the same to many who were not as blessed. Our teachers are not only teachers, they are the only positive role model to way too many young people. They fill in as fathers, mothers, counselors and friends. This current attack on educators is not only an attack on teachers, it is an attack on the only positive influence some young people receive.

Today, it is time we stand up! Today, it is time we fight for the people who work everyday to provide a foundation for the very future our elected officials claim to understand. Today, I ask you to rise up and be heard. This not only impacts today, it impacts generations ahead. Decisions now will impact my future grandchildren's grandchildren. I love our state and I am encouraged by our young people. We cannot let them down! Will you rise up with me and show support for our teachers?

My apologies to my faithful readers across the country. Clearly this is not the content you have come to expect, but I hope you can see the importance. Have a blessed day!

Written by Derron Steenbergen, President of the Swagger Institute.

The Swagger Institute is a business consulting company specializing in sales training, motivational speaking and organizational development.

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