The Christmas Season is a blessing in so many ways! Clearly in the sales world it brings revenue opportunities in many industries that can help close out the year in a BIG way. However, with the sales frenzy that ensues, comes sales bad habits.
From socks to Christmas greetings, from perfume to holiday packages, we can get so consumed with moving our product that we get away from the correct way of doing business. The holiday sales frenzy can cause us to lose focus on how we should be doing business throughout the year. We must focus on the needs of the client and not what we are trying to sell. I think it is OK for us to take advantage of all the many opportunities the season offers, but if we carry this approach into the new year then it becomes counterproductive.
Go embrace everything the retail season offers this time of year. Make money! Move your product! Sell your services! And then go enjoy your family and friends and recognize how fortunate we are to write our own paychecks based our own performance.
Now, as the clock strikes midnight and ushers in a new year, make sure one of your resolutions is to reset yourself and your approach. Make it about the needs of the client and not about your product, your service or the budget you are trying to hit!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at The Swagger Institute! We look forward to working together to make 2018 magical. Remember, in sales, put the client first and always find your swagger!
Written by Derron Steenbergen, President of the Swagger Institute.
The Swagger Institute is a full service business development company offering sales and leadership training, motivational speaking and organizational consulting.